Yoga Boss Podcast Episode 171

Master Customer Support with Kristen Alanah

When you have stellar customer support, your business is more profitable. 

It is said that improving your retention rate with customers by 5% adds 30% profitability to your business. 

Therefore you need to learn how to deliver a fantastic customer experience. 

On this episode of the Yoga Boss podcast, I am joined by the Profitable Yoga Boss Group Co-Coach Kristen Alanah. 

In addition to being a coach, Kristen is director of customer support for a 50 million-dollar company. 

She brings her expertise in customer support for your clients and your team. 


-Definition of customer support
-Why stellar customer support matters
-What to do when customers are unhappy 
-How to utilize the same skills to lead a team 
-How to retain your team members 
-Why customer support is the best part of business 

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2000+ Yoga Teachers with profitable, sustainable business will be a game changer for the yoga industry.

PodcastJackie Murphy